Jim Walton vs. Bill Gates
Who will win?
Name Jim Walton |
Net worth
๐ฐ $66.5B |
Born June 7, 1948 (age 76) |
Education |
Source Walmart |
Industry Retail |
Jim Walton has donated $2.6 billion in Walmart stock to unknown charities. Jim majored in business administration at the University of Arkansas.
Name Bill Gates |
Net worth
๐ฐ $135.4B |
Born October 28, 1955 (age 68) |
Education |
Source Microsoft |
Industry Technology |
When Gates was a kid, he spent so much time reading that his parents finally forbade him from bringing books to the dinner table. Gates took a break from classes his senior year in high school to do programming with his friend Paul Allen at a power plant in North Bonneville, Washington.