Alice Walton vs. Larry Page
Who will win?
Name Alice Walton |
Net worth
๐ฐ $71.3B |
Born October 7, 1949 (age 74) |
Education |
Source Walmart |
Industry Retail |
After graduating from Trinity College in 1971, Walton briefly worked for Walmart as a buyer of children's clothes. Her art collecting career began when she was 11 and bought a 25-cent print of Picasso's "Blue Nude".
Name Larry Page |
Net worth
๐ฐ $142.5B |
Born March 26, 1973 (age 51) |
Education |
Source Google |
Industry Technology |
Page has avoided public appearances since Sundar Pichai became Google's CEO, including Alphabet's 2019 shareholders meeting -- much to investors' chagrin. Page is a clean energy advocate; his Palo Alto home uses fuel cells and geothermal energy.