
Welcome to our blog!

by Rabia

Hello friends!

After launching some fun experiments on our website, we are now starting a blog where our creative juices intend to flow in all directions. We aim to keep it casual yet interesting. If you are new here, feel free to check out more about us to know who we are and what mildspring is about.

In this blog, we are going to open a window allowing you a sneak peek into our lives — all in our minimal aesthetical language.

As co-founders of mildspring, we brought back the nostalgia in our first project Office Assistants which was quite a hit, and we were able to cross 100+ countries with 15,000+ views. Now, we are excited to share more about ourselves, our hobbies, some photography, our favorite Haiku, reviews on the books and movies we indulge ourselves in, interesting articles, and much more…

If you wanna catch us, perhaps a dinosaur theme park is where your chance is bright but to say hello in the digital world feel free to reach out at

See you around!