Net worth of Carlos Slim Helu
๐ฐ $91.2B
as of February 9, 2025
Carlos Slim Helu
January 28, 1940 (age 85) |
Every Sunday, Slim's father would give him a 5-peso allowance and required him to record his purchases in a ledger. Before going into business, Slim taught algebra at UNAM, a university in Mexico City.
Mexico's richest person, Carlos Slim and his family control Latin America's biggest mobile telecom firm. With foreign telecom partners, Slim bought a stake in Telmex, Mexico's only phone company, in 1990. He also owns stakes in Mexican construction, consumer goods, mining and real estate companies. He previously held a 17% stake in The New York Times. His son-in-law Fernando Romero designed the Soumaya Museum in Mexico City, home to Slim's extensive, eclectic art collection. Slim and his family own 79% of Grupo Carso, one of Latin America's largest conglomerates.