

A cloud-based CRM designed inbound marketing and sales software that helps companies for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service

HubSpot, 2007

Start from a blog, work hard, stay consistent, and go big!

Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, as fellow graduate students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2004, observed a change in consumer behavior that indicated consumers were no longer receptive to unfavorable methods of gaining their attention.

In response to that study, the blog was launched in 2006. 

The co-founder Dharmesh said, “A tiny blog with no budget generated more traffic than companies with professional marketing teams.” 

The blog further describes the fact that “HubSpot was based on the “inbound” philosophy, which asserts that consumers only want to be assisted and don’t want to be bothered by marketers”.

According to Forbes, HubSpot started out targeting small companies but “moved steadily upmarket to serve larger businesses of up to 1000 employees.”

The company reported revenues of $1 billion in 2021.

In September 2021, HubSpot announced Yamini Rangan as their new CEO, while Brian Halligan became the Executive Chairman.

Today, HubSpot is a multi-million dollar startup that continues to empower businesses around the world.

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🤵 Founder(s)

  •  Brian Halligan
    Brian Halligan
  •  Dharmesh Shah
    Dharmesh Shah

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About HubSpot

🚀 Launched June 1, 2006
💸 Funding $100.5M (source)
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